Monday, August 19, 2013

Elderberries Make Flu Shots Look Like Ridiculous Poison Cocktails

Following we are featuring an article from NaturalNews highlighting the anti-viral, antibiotic and immune boosting elderberry! To read more benefits about this wonderful little berry Click Here!  and to see the precautions Click Here

As stated in that source, only black, blue and purple elderberries are edible to humans in the wild. Never eat the red elderberries nor the leaves, stems or stalks as they contain toxins known to cause severe vomiting and diarrhea.

(NaturalNews) With the flu season behind us, it's definitely not time to grow passive and lax toward taking care of our immune system. Now is the perfect time to think about growing, harvesting, and utilizing key anti-flu herbs that protect against virus and bacteria.

A real flu fighter isn't a cocktail shot in the arm; rather, a true flu fighter is a naturally antiviral, antibacterial, immune building powerhouse. One wonderful food medicine flourishing right among us is the elderberry. This flu fighting Spartan has been used throughout history to deter influenza virus. In fact, in 1995, an entire influenza epidemic was thwarted in Panama utilizing elderberry treatment.

Why do we need flu shots then?

With commercial ads promoting flu shots at every turn, it's easy to let other "more knowledgeable" accredited people think for us. For some, it seems much easier to pull up to the drive thru, roll the sleeve back, and take the cocktail injection right in the arm, driving off self-assured.

It all sounds nice and beneficial, but when it comes down to it, there are serious unintended consequences that stem from consuming heavy metal laced vaccinations and absorbing a "quick fix" health philosophy:

The number one consequence is the growing rate of autism.

Study upon study is finding increased levels of thimerosal in autistic children. Thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, is known to inhibit methionine sythetase by 50 percent in vitro. Normal functioning of methionine sythetase is absolutely necessary for the biochemical development of the brain, attention, and the production of an important detoxifying agent called glutathione.

With thimerosal levels increasing in human tissues, brain function is deteriorating in general. Autism rates in 2000 were 1 in 150. Today autism affects an astounding 1 in 50! This is a serious epidemic that needs further examination. Autism awareness isn't enough. It's time to confess the root causes and be honest about autism origins. GMOs, pesticides, plastics, BPA all destroy natural human brain function, and thimerosal from vaccinations is leading this dark parade.

Elderberry makes flu shots look ridiculous

Elderberry simply makes contemporary flu shots look hideous, ridiculous, and insane. Who needs to be injected with formaldehyde, mercury, factory flu strains all in hopes of not getting sick?

It's much wiser and safer to incorporate elderberries and other antiviral herbs into one's lifestyle, promoting prevention rather than an insane injection of heavy metal, autism-inducing vaccinations.

Why aren't we growing fields of this wonderful herb?

Elderberry is found growing wildly in North America, Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. In 2005, researchers in London studied Black Elderberry and found that it's 99 percent effective in fighting the Avian Flu (H5N1) virus. In Germany, scientists conducted studies that linked elderberry anthocyanins to enhanced immune function. Elderberry essentially works by boosting the production of cytokines, which are unique proteins that act as messengers that help regulate immune response. Their studies revealed that elderberry's antioxidant powers were greater than equal doses of vitamin E and vitamin C. Furthermore, this activity has been shown to also decrease swelling in mucous membranes and sinuses.

Elderberry doesn't wait on the flu, it stays on the offensive

Since flu viruses cannot replicate themselves, they use DNA from living cells to survive. To achieve their destruction, flu viruses puncture living cell walls with spiky features called hemaglutinin. This flu virus invasion can be completely prevented with elderberry because elderberry effectively disarms the spikes and halts the action of their enzymes.

Essentially, elderberry's cytokine production prevents flu virus invasion before it ever takes hold - a much more effective strategy than heavy-metal-laced flu shot injections.

Sources for the original article include:

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Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms 

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