Wednesday, August 21, 2013

15 Superfoods For Kidney Health

Here we bring an article from  about what foods can give you an edge on kidney health and overall health in general! Enjoy :)

Most of us know that eating a balanced diet is important for good health. Now scientists have pinpointed certain foods as super foods. In addition to promoting overall health, these are foods for kidney health as well.

To understand why they're called super foods, we first have to understand oxidation and free radicals. Oxidation is a normal bodily process for producing energy and is part of many chemical changes in your body. However, it can sometimes lead to the production of molecules called free radicals. Free radicals are unstable molecules that bounce wildly around inside your body, damaging proteins, genes and cell membranes. Free radicals are believed to contribute to aging and many chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.

The good news is super foods contain antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals. Even in relatively low amounts, antioxidants can help slow or stop the rate of oxidation caused by free radicals. Examples of antioxidants include flavonoids, lycopene and vitamins C, E and beta-carotene.

Super foods for your kidneys

If you are on dialysis or have chronic kidney disease (CKD), you'll be glad to know that there are lots of super foods, containing antioxidants and other health-supporting properties, included in the kidney diet. People with kidney disease experience more inflammation and have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease than those without kidney problems. If you have kidney disease, it's important that you consult a renal dietitian and follow a kidney diet. Including super foods in your kidney diet eating plan can help you increase your intake of nutrients and antioxidants.

Here’s a list of the top 15 kidney-friendly super foods. These foods are good for everyone, not just people with kidney disease, so by using them in your family's meals, you'll be helping your loved ones enjoy good health too.

1. Red bell peppers

 Red bell peppers are a good choice for those concerned about kidney health, because they're low in potassium. In addition, they add color and taste to any dish, while packing a generous portion of vitamins A, C, B6, folic acid and fiber. They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which protects against certain types of cancer.

If you're following the kidney diet, it's easy to add red bell peppers to your food plan. Mix them into tuna or chicken salad or eat raw with dip. Roasted, they're great for topping sandwiches or green salads. Chop them up for use in egg dishes, such as omelets or scrambled eggs, add them to kabobs for grilling or stuff them with a ground beef or turkey mixture for a tasty baked entrée.

2. Cabbage

Crunchy cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable filled with phytochemicals, chemical compounds found in certain fruits and vegetables. Phytochemicals work to break apart free radicals. Many phytochemicals are believed to combat cancer and support cardiovascular health.

Inexpensive cabbage is a great addition to your eating plan, because it's also high in vitamins K and C, high in fiber and a good source of vitamin B6 and folic acid, yet it's low in potassium, so it's especially kidney-friendly.

If you're following the dialysis diet, add cabbage by turning it into coleslaw or use as a topping for fish tacos. Cabbage can be boiled, steamed or microwaved and then enjoyed with a touch of butter or cream cheese and a sprinkling of pepper or caraway seeds. Other nutritious meal options include cabbage rolls and stuffed cabbage.

3. Cauliflower

Another kidney-friendly super food is cauliflower. This cruciferous vegetable brings lots of vitamin C to your plate, along with folate and fiber. In addition it contains compounds that help your liver neutralize toxic substances.

Cauliflower can be eaten raw with dip or in salads. Steamed or boiled, it can be seasoned and turned into a great side dish. You can even mash cauliflower as a dialysis-friendly replacement for mashed potatoes.

4. Garlic

Garlic is good for reducing inflammation and lowering cholesterol. It also has antioxidant and anti-clotting properties. (Cooking garlic will not affect its antioxidant properties, but it will reduce its anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory effects.)

If you're following the dialysis diet, use garlic powder instead of garlic salt to add extra flavor to your meals without adding extra sodium. Garlic can be used in cooking many dishes: meat, vegetables or tomato sauce, for instance. Once you start cooking with garlic, you'll wonder how you ever got along without it.

5. Onion

Another popular food used for seasoning is the onion. Onion is full of flavonoids, particularly quercetin. Flavonoids are natural chemicals that prevent the deposit of fatty material in blood vessels and add pigmentation (color) to plants. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that is believed to help reduce heart disease and protect against many forms of cancer. It also has anti-inflammatory properties.

Low in potassium, onions are not only kidney-friendly; they also contain chromium, a mineral that assists your body with the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Onions can be enjoyed raw or cooked in a variety dishes.

6. Apples

An apple a day really does help keep the doctor away! High in fiber and anti-inflammatory properties, apples help reduce cholesterol, prevent constipation, protect against heart disease and decrease your risk of cancer.

Renal-friendly apples can be eaten raw or cooked. Or get their health benefits by drinking apple juice or cider.

7. Cranberries

Cranberries are great for preventing urinary tract infections, because they make urine more acidic and help keep bacteria from attaching to the inside of the bladder. They've also been shown to protect against cancer and heart disease.

Although we think of cranberries as a holiday side dish, cranberry juice can be enjoyed daily for added nutrition. Or toss a handful of dried cranberries into your cereal or salad.

8. Blueberries

These tasty berries get their blue color from antioxidant compounds called anthocyanidins. Blueberries get high marks for nutrition, thanks to natural compounds that reduce inflammation and lots of vitamin C and fiber. They also contain manganese, which contributes to healthy bones.

Use blueberries to top off your morning cereal, whip them up in a fruit smoothie or enjoy them in a baked treat, such as muffins or crisp.

9. Raspberries

Raspberries contain a compound called ellagic acid, which helps neutralize free radicals. The berry's red color comes from antioxidants called anthocyanins. Raspberries are packed with fiber, vitamin C and manganese. They also have plenty of folate, a B vitamin. Raspberries have properties that help stop cancer cell growth and the formation of tumors.

Sprinkle fresh raspberries on cereal, or whip them up in a kidney-friendly fruit smoothie.

10. Strawberries

Strawberries are rich in two types of antioxidants, plus they contain lots of vitamin C, manganese and fiber. They have anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties and also help keep your heart healthy.

Like most berries, they're wonderful on cereal or in smoothies. Add whipped topping for a quick dessert, or puree them for a fresh addition to pound or angel food cake.

11. Cherries

Cherries are filled with antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect your heart. When eaten daily, they have been shown to reduce inflammation.

Fresh cherries make a delicious snack. Of course, cherry pie is a popular dessert, but there's also cherry crisp, cherry cheesecake and even cherry coffee cake. Cherry sauce makes a nice accompaniment to lamb or pork.

12. Red grapes
The color in red grapes comes from several flavonoids. These are good for your heart, because they prevent oxidation and reduce the chance of blood clots. One flavonoid in grapes, resveratrol, may boost production of nitric oxide, which increases muscle relaxation in blood vessels for better blood flow. Flavonoids also help protect you from cancer and prevent inflammation.

Choose those with red or purple skin grapes for the highest flavonoid content. Eat grapes as a snack. When frozen, they make a good thirst-quencher for those on a fluid-restricted diet. Add grapes to fruit or chicken salad. Or drink grape juice.

13. Egg whites

Did you know that egg whites are pure protein? They provide the highest quality protein there is, along with all of the essential amino acids. If you're on the kidney diet, it's good to note that egg whites have less phosphorus than other protein sources, such as egg yolks or meats.

Use egg whites for omelets or egg white sandwiches. You can also add them to smoothies or shakes. Hard boil eggs and use the whites to use in tuna or green salads.

14. Fish

Another high-quality source of protein is fish. Both the American Diabetes Association and the American Heart Association recommend that you include fish in your meal plan two or three times a week. Besides being a great source of protein, fish contains anti-inflammatory fats called omega-3s. These healthy fats help prevent diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. They also help lower LDL (the bad cholesterol) and raise HDL (the good cholesterol).

The types of fish that have the most omega-3s are salmon, albacore tuna, mackerel, herring and rainbow trout.

15. Olive oil

Research has shown that people in countries where olive oil is used instead of other types of oils tend to have lower rates of cancer and heart disease. This is believed to be due to olive oil's many good components: oleic acid, an anti-inflammatory fatty acid which protects against oxidation and polyphenols and antioxidant compounds that prevent inflammation and oxidation.

Use virgin or extra virgin olive oil – they're higher in antioxidants. Olive oil can be used in cooking or to make salad dressing, as a dip for bread and as a marinade for vegetables.


If you're concerned about the health of your own kidneys — or somebody else's — these 15 super foods for kidney health should be on your grocery-shopping list. Ask a renal dietitian for help including them in your kidney-friendly meal plan if you have chronic kidney disease. When buying fruits and vegetables, get the freshest ones you can find and be sure to include a variety, since some are rich in one nutrient and others are rich in another. If you can only find fruits that are not at their peak, the flavor may be lessened, but you'll still get good nutritional value from them for your kidney health.

Hope you found some great information and tips from this article! And at some point in the not so distant future we will be bringing you most if not all of these things to your table. All organic, all naturally and humanely raised with love!

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

AgriDome Community Farms

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Toke Up, Glucose Down: Marijuana Linked to Better Blood Sugar Control

Following we are featuring an article from EverydayHealth that takes a scientific study on marijuana and its affects on blood sugar when used in small quantities. Many people are afraid to talk about marijuana because it has been given a bad rap for many years but take the skepticism out and view the herbal plant from a scientific stand point and you'll realize that it has more benefits than it does harms when used correctly. 

 People who admitted using marijuana were found to have lower blood glucose levels and were less likely to be insulin resistant, according to the National Health and Nutrition Survey.

Everyday Health
By Jeffrey Kopman

Smoking marijuana — even if the ensuing junk-food binge can’t be avoided — may mean you're less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, according to research published in The American Journal of Medicine.

Fasting insulin and glucose data from 4,657 National Health and Nutrition Survey participants revealed that "current users" of marijuana were part of the least likely demographic to have common risk factors for diabetes.

Marijuana smokers who admitted to being“current users” — not previous users —had the lowest fasting insulin and glucose levels and body mass index. High fasting insulin levels are considered evidence of insulin resistance — the inability of the body to respond properly to insulin - a risk factor for pre-diabetes.
Pre-diabetes is also suspected when a person has high blood glucose levels, and marijuana smokers had an average glucose level of 99.7 milligrams per decilitier compared to 103.5 mg/dl for people who claimed to have never used the illicit drug.

A normal blood sugar range is generally between 70 and 100 mg/dl, but can fluctuate based on meals eaten throughout the day.
"Previous epidemiologic studies have found lower prevalence rates of obesity and diabetes mellitus in marijuana users compared to people who have never used marijuana, suggesting a relationship between cannabinoids and peripheral metabolic processes, but ours is the first study to investigate the relationship between marijuana use and fasting insulin, glucose, and insulin resistance," stated lead investigator Murray A. Mittleman, MD, DrPH, of the Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Unit at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, in a press release.

Docs: Be Aware of Marijuana Use in Patients

Despite the common stereotype of marijuana users craving high-calorie food and lots of it — "the munchies" —pot use was also linked to having a lower body mass index in the study, another factor not often associated with diabetes.

With the recent increase in marijuana legalization, the Boston researchers believe it's important for physicians to understand the effects of smoking pot on conditions like diabetes, and they suggest future research should on the links between marijuana use and other common conditions.

"We desperately need a great deal more basic and clinical research into the short- and long-term effects of marijuana in a variety of clinical settings such as cancer, diabetes, and frailty of the elderly," said Joseph S. Alpert, MD, Professor of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, in the press release.
The new data does not explain why marijuana may be linked to lower instances of these diabetes risk factors. Rather, the analysis simply found that pot smokers were less likely to show early signs of the condition.

“We have patients that use marijuana illegally, and it does not seem to have any positive or negative effect on blood sugar,” said Amber Taylor, MD, Director of the Diabetes Center at Mercy Medical in Baltimore, Maryland.

There is also the possibility that the new data says more about the type of people using marijuana — primarily young skinny males — than it does about the preventive associations between marijuana and diabetes.

Pot Positives and Negatives

When it comes to medical use, marijuana has been found to relieve pain, improve mood, and increase appetite. In addition to the latest diabetes findings, marijuana use has also been shown to reduce the spasticity caused by multiple sclerosis. The drug is also believed to have components that actually reduce appetite and boost metabolism, which can prevent obesity.

But the news isn’t all groovy when it comes to grass.
Although some parts of pot might help you avoid obesity, researchers have also found a link between drug use and binge eating - the munchies again.

“With any sort of illicit drugs, it decreases your inhibitions and leads to snacking and eating that increases your blood sugar,” said Dr. Taylor.

Smoking doobies might also be connected to unusual digestive problems, heart trouble, and lower IQs. Even if you're using marijuana for medicinal purposes, further monitoring is a good idea, said Taylor.

Keep an open mind and allow nature's natural healers to be used freely. When we stigmatize something that just makes it much easier to abuse. 

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

AgriDome Community Farms  

Monday, August 19, 2013

Elderberries Make Flu Shots Look Like Ridiculous Poison Cocktails

Following we are featuring an article from NaturalNews highlighting the anti-viral, antibiotic and immune boosting elderberry! To read more benefits about this wonderful little berry Click Here!  and to see the precautions Click Here

As stated in that source, only black, blue and purple elderberries are edible to humans in the wild. Never eat the red elderberries nor the leaves, stems or stalks as they contain toxins known to cause severe vomiting and diarrhea.

(NaturalNews) With the flu season behind us, it's definitely not time to grow passive and lax toward taking care of our immune system. Now is the perfect time to think about growing, harvesting, and utilizing key anti-flu herbs that protect against virus and bacteria.

A real flu fighter isn't a cocktail shot in the arm; rather, a true flu fighter is a naturally antiviral, antibacterial, immune building powerhouse. One wonderful food medicine flourishing right among us is the elderberry. This flu fighting Spartan has been used throughout history to deter influenza virus. In fact, in 1995, an entire influenza epidemic was thwarted in Panama utilizing elderberry treatment.

Why do we need flu shots then?

With commercial ads promoting flu shots at every turn, it's easy to let other "more knowledgeable" accredited people think for us. For some, it seems much easier to pull up to the drive thru, roll the sleeve back, and take the cocktail injection right in the arm, driving off self-assured.

It all sounds nice and beneficial, but when it comes down to it, there are serious unintended consequences that stem from consuming heavy metal laced vaccinations and absorbing a "quick fix" health philosophy:

The number one consequence is the growing rate of autism.

Study upon study is finding increased levels of thimerosal in autistic children. Thimerosal, a preservative used in vaccines, is known to inhibit methionine sythetase by 50 percent in vitro. Normal functioning of methionine sythetase is absolutely necessary for the biochemical development of the brain, attention, and the production of an important detoxifying agent called glutathione.

With thimerosal levels increasing in human tissues, brain function is deteriorating in general. Autism rates in 2000 were 1 in 150. Today autism affects an astounding 1 in 50! This is a serious epidemic that needs further examination. Autism awareness isn't enough. It's time to confess the root causes and be honest about autism origins. GMOs, pesticides, plastics, BPA all destroy natural human brain function, and thimerosal from vaccinations is leading this dark parade.

Elderberry makes flu shots look ridiculous

Elderberry simply makes contemporary flu shots look hideous, ridiculous, and insane. Who needs to be injected with formaldehyde, mercury, factory flu strains all in hopes of not getting sick?

It's much wiser and safer to incorporate elderberries and other antiviral herbs into one's lifestyle, promoting prevention rather than an insane injection of heavy metal, autism-inducing vaccinations.

Why aren't we growing fields of this wonderful herb?

Elderberry is found growing wildly in North America, Europe, North Africa, and Western Asia. In 2005, researchers in London studied Black Elderberry and found that it's 99 percent effective in fighting the Avian Flu (H5N1) virus. In Germany, scientists conducted studies that linked elderberry anthocyanins to enhanced immune function. Elderberry essentially works by boosting the production of cytokines, which are unique proteins that act as messengers that help regulate immune response. Their studies revealed that elderberry's antioxidant powers were greater than equal doses of vitamin E and vitamin C. Furthermore, this activity has been shown to also decrease swelling in mucous membranes and sinuses.

Elderberry doesn't wait on the flu, it stays on the offensive

Since flu viruses cannot replicate themselves, they use DNA from living cells to survive. To achieve their destruction, flu viruses puncture living cell walls with spiky features called hemaglutinin. This flu virus invasion can be completely prevented with elderberry because elderberry effectively disarms the spikes and halts the action of their enzymes.

Essentially, elderberry's cytokine production prevents flu virus invasion before it ever takes hold - a much more effective strategy than heavy-metal-laced flu shot injections.

Sources for the original article include:

Learn more:

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms 

Vegetarians May Live Longer

California research finds 12% lower risk of dying for those who don't eat meat.


This article brought to you by HealthDay News

By Denise Mann, HealthDay News

Vegetarians may live longer than meat-lovers, new research suggests.

Scientists in California analyzed the diets of 73,300 Seventh Day Adventists, and found that vegetarians were less likely to die from any cause or from cause-specific reasons, except for cancer, compared to those who ate meat.

"Certain vegetarian diets are associated with reductions in all causes of [death] as well as some specific causes including heart disease, kidney-related deaths and endocrine disease-related death such as diabetes," said lead researcher Dr. Michael Orlich, a preventive medicine specialist at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda.

The big question is why, and the study wasn't designed to answer that, Orlich noted.

"Reductions in meat in the vegetarian diet may be part of it, but it may be due to higher quantities of plant foods," he added, although it is also possible that vegetarians may lead more healthy lives.
The research was published online June 3 in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine.

For the study, the researchers used a food questionnaire to assess dietary patterns and looked at men and women who adhered to one of five diets: non-vegetarian; semi-vegetarian (eats meat or fish no more than once a week); pesco-vegetarian (consumes seafood); lacto-ovo-vegetarian (includes both dairy products and eggs), and vegans, who don't eat any animal products.

During the course of the more than five-year study, 2,570 people died. But vegetarians were about 12 percent less likely to die from any cause than their meat-eating counterparts, the study showed. And the survival edge seemed to be stronger in men than women.
In addition, the researchers noted that vegetarians tended to be older and more educated, exercised more and were less likely to drink alcohol or smoke than their carnivorous counterparts.
The study also did not pinpoint which type of vegetarian diet provides the greatest survival benefit because the vegetarian diets were compared to non-vegetarian diets only, not to one another.
The research team now plans to look at the patterns of food consumption seen in each vegetarian diet. "We want to see what they eat more or less of, and then investigate the effect on mortality or associated with specific foods," Orlich said. "Are there particular foods that account for most of this apparent association. Is the lack of meat the big issue, or is the amount of plant-based foods responsible?"

Nancy Copperman, a dietician at North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System in Great Neck, N.Y. , said that the fiber in vegetarian diets may be what's driving the survival edge. "It's not just fruit and vegetables, but all types of fiber [including whole grains] that seems to really reduce health risks," she said. "The new study pushes the literature that we are building about the impact that whole grains and fruits and vegetables can have on your health."

But Rebecca Solomon, a nutritionist at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York City, noted that plant-based diets can be beneficial only if they are done right. "You need to make sure that you have a good nutrient balance despite omission of certain or all animal products," she added.

For example, she said, some vegetarians may overdo the carbohydrates and fats, which can lead to weight gain and its associated health problems.

"My general advice is that you don't need to be a vegetarian to improve your health and lifespan," she said. "Eating lean protein such as poultry and fish and following some of the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which includes generous amounts of vegetables, fruits and whole grains and is not red-meat heavy, can be very beneficial."

For a diehard vegan like Stephanie Prather, 45, the news may come as no surprise.

Prather hasn't eaten any animal products in more than two years, and actually changed careers midstream to become a vegan pastry chef. Her impetus was a high-profile documentary about the benefits of a plant-based diet.

Not only does she feel better, Prather said, but she has lost close to 20 pounds since giving up all animal products in her diet.

The latest research follows a British study released in January that showed vegetarians had about a third less risk of hospitalization or death from cardiovascular disease than meat-eaters did.

The study, reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, included nearly 45,000 people from England and Scotland, about a third of who were vegetarians. And the research showed that the vegetarians had a 32 percent lower chance of being hospitalized or dying from heart disease. They also typically had lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels than non-vegetarians.

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms

Friday, August 16, 2013

Make A Contribution To Our Cause & Our Movement Today!

Welcome all readers and followers! I would like to welcome you to today's SPECIAL update. 

***Make Your Contribution Now By Clicking HERE ***

We are on the verge of a food revolution in this beautiful world we call home.  It involves the banishing of GMO (genetically modified organisms/food) and corporatized farming and the ushering in of locally grown and organic foods. These foods are taken care of and loved from seed to plate and that is exactly what we are doing here with AgriDome Community Farms. Please do also read our mission statement located on our blog HERE 


What will a contribution to AgriDome Community Farms Do? 

  1. You will be helping to start a food revolution that looks to change the face of agriculture in a positive way, bringing your food closer to you as well as bringing back the small farmer and providing a higher standard of work for others (i.e. no slave farm labor that treats immigrants and others like dirt).
  2. You will be helping your local community through the distribution of donations made on behalf of our organization to local causes, groups and charities.
  3. You can also help us replant a rainforest with the Plant a Billion Trees campaign through The Nature Conservancy with a donation of $50 or more!
  4. You can improve you own health with a specially picked health/fitness book with a donation of $150. Receive two health/fitness books when you donate $200 or more! 
  5. You also get to see on our blog the progress we are making and what your donations are helping us to do. All actions with your money will be shown one time or another on the blog whether we are buying new supplies, donating to a local cause, adding a new item to our grow list and MUCH MORE! 
  6. And... finally. A donation made to AgriDome Community Farms' vision will garner you the most sincere and heartfelt 'thank you' from our team! We sincerely hope to expand this into an urban/rural agricultural phenomenon where all produce is grown at the local level no matter the climate needed. It will be provided, all organic, all chemical free! 
As stated above all of our activities will be made public and completely transparent. This is not something that is set to steal money from society. Instead with this project we will be "Paying It Forward".  It will be used to further the vision, be invested and donated again! So all contributions are going to compound as we start to build ourselves and give back. Below you will see a trailer of the fantastic movie, "Pay It Forward" (Warner Bros. Pictures, 2000). This is our mission for your health and the happiness of humanity!

*** Make Your Contribution Now By Clicking HERE ***

 I sincerely wish you the continued strength and best life possible as we move into a new era. We would love to hear from you. So please feel more than free to leave comments or send an e-mail to 

Once again, welcome all to the AgriDome Community Farms Vision & Blog! We are just beginning to work on bringing the best quality, local, organic food and true health news updates and research. All of this to create a world giving you the most healthy, liberated, happy life possible!

You can make donations through this post by spotting the "Make Your Contribution Now By Clicking HERE" lines or you can contribute by clicking the icon in the upper left corner of our main page! Once again any and all contributions are welcome and blessed!

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms

~ Namaste ~

Monsanto Cucumbers Cause Genital Baldness — Immediately Banned in Nova Scotia

Good Afternoon everyone! Today we are bringing you a somewhat comical (but still a very serious health concern) article found on IntelliHub pertaining to the introduction of Genetically Modified cucumbers in Canada. 

By: Robin Steel
The Lapine

A six-month study by AgriSearch, an on-campus research arm of Dalhousie University, has shown that genetically modified (GM) cucumbers grown under license to Monsanto Inc. result in serious side effects including total groin hair loss and chafing in “sensitive areas”, leading to the immediate and total ban of sales of all that company’s crop and subsequent dill pickles.

The tracking study of 643 men and women in Nova Scotia came about after reports began to surface about bald field mice and the bald feral cats that ate them being discovered by farmers on acreages growing the new crop.

“The bald wild animals raised a huge flag and we immediately obtained subpoenas for the medical records of all 600 plus adults who took part in focus groups and taste tests of the cucumbers by Monsanto in Canada,” said Dr. Nancy Walker, Director of Public Health Research at Dalhousie. “Fully 3/4 of the people who ate these cukes had their crotch area hair fall out. This is not a joking matter at all…these people now have hairless heinies.”

Nova Scotia became the first province or state in North America to ban a Monsanto GM food product, although GM corn and other food crops are currently outlawed in Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Greece and Hungary. Governments in Australia, Spain, UK, France, Turkey, India and Mexico have public petitions or legislative bills under consideration. Californians recently voted down a bill that would have required all GM foods to be clearly labeled. Monsanto cucumbers have been ordered removed from all food stores in Nova Scotia, while Quebec stores have begun a voluntary removal, partially because the UPC code stickers contain some English.

“I pulled down my boxer shorts to get ready for bed one night and there it was…a pile of hair that looked like a chihuahua puppy,” said Eric LaMaze, who was paid $50 by Monsanto to compare the tastes of natural cucumbers to Monsanto GM cucumbers in March of this year in Halifax. “Then I saw my bits and whoa they were like all shiny skin. Bald.”

Mr. LaMaze and other taste test participants said the GM cucumbers tasted the same as the naturally grown cucumbers but made a slight “fizzing noise” when swallowed. The participants also complained of raw skin in their genital area and some bed wetting.

Monsanto Inc., a self-described Sustainable Agriculture Company based in Creve Coeur, Missouri, where they share offices with major shareholder Bain Capital, issued a statement saying, “Next generation fruits and vegetables, including VO5 cucumbers, are safe for human consumption with some potential minor side effects. Some fine-tuning is underway.”

McDonald’s Corp. issued a statement following the Nova Scotia ban announcing that they will replace dill and sweet cucumber pickles on their burgers with non-GM pickled zucchini as a precaution until it is proven that no Monsanto pickles were sold into the North American market. McDonald’s website contains a bulletin to that effect and includes a revised hip-hop Big Mac jingle that now sings, “Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickled zuke, onions on a sesame seed bun.”

Federal Minister of Health Leona Aglukkaq said a Canada-wide recall and ban will be issued within 24 hours. “The Government of Canada takes this very, very seriously,” said the Minister. “Being hairless down there should be a matter of personal choice for Canadian men and women and not one taken away by a cucumber.”

“They used to have the real cucumber slices in those salad things at the City Hall Dining Club,” sighed Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford on the courthouse steps after being impeached by a Provincial Judge. “Those were good times…”

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy!

AgriDome Community Farms

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Is Your Toothpaste Making You Stupid?

Continuing with our information on sodium fluoride and it's dangerous applications we bring you an article from about the connection between fluoride in toothpaste and lower IQ's. We hope you choose to be healthy and get as much of this out of your health regimen and drinking water as possible! writes:

The powers in charge of culling the world’s population have built-in a system of control that stems far enough back into the past of America’s social consciousness that poisoning ourselves on a daily basis has become part of the hygienic habits embraced by toothpaste using consumers worldwide. This system of influence has conditioned the human animal to engage in the daily rituals of dental hygiene which has become the mechanism for medicating the minds of the masses. Consuming massive quantities of the developmental neurotoxin known as toothpaste has turned a society of cavity conscientious citizens into a herd of shiny teethed imbeciles oblivious to the consequences of their pearly whites.

The Fluoride that is added to drinking water and toothpaste has been lowering children’s IQ levels if consumed in quantities of 2 parts per million or greater. The most popular toothpaste brands on the market have a fluoride concentration level of 1,000 to 1,500 parts per million. Maybe this is why toothpaste has a poison control label warning that if the product is swallowed you should seek medical assistance. Although toothpaste is not designed to be eaten we have all witnessed children and teens consuming it as though it were candy. Sublingual administration of medication is when you keep a liquid under your tongue and your body absorbs it through the sublingual veins into the bloodstream. Is this why we are told to brush our teeth twice daily for 3 minutes at a time to get a full dose of the neurotoxic agent called fluoride?

The {EPA} "Environmental Pollution Agency" have set safety level of fluoride in drinking water at 2-4 parts per million which include most all bottled waters. The {HHS} Health and Human Services readjusted those numbers lowering the level of fluoride in drinking water to .7 parts per million. In the past 5 years there have been over 35 studies concluding that fluoride in levels as low as 2 parts per million can result in developmental disabilities as reflected in the lowering of children’s IQ’s. The {CDC} Center for Disease Creation and Proliferation states that fluoride varnish comes in concentration as high as 22,600 parts per million but fail to mention the adverse effects this level of fluoride has on the brain.

Fluoride is being used to sedate the mental hygiene of the average American into a state of complacency leading us to a nation of slaves willing to except the oppressive powers slow push towards totalitarianism. To think something as innocuous as brushing your teeth can lead to neurological disorders only exemplifies the elitist disregard and utter contempt for human life. The eugenics program has moved from the physical sterilization of the unfit to the mental castration of millions. Generations from now will wake to a world of mindless automatons who lack the ability to reason but have an amazing smile.

It is interesting to note there have been many studies that can prove sodium fluoride's dangerous effects on humans if ingested or allowed to absorb into the bloodstream. Following is a video by a holistic dentist to further prove the article's point. 

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Oregon: Fluoride Measure in Portland Is Defeated!

Despite the recommendation of public health experts, voters in Portland, Ore., defeated a measure on Tuesday, May 21 to add fluoride to the water supply by a 60-to-40 percent margin. The result marks the fourth time since 1956 that Portland has rejected fluoridation efforts, and means the city will continue to be the largest metropolitan area in the country without fluoridated water or plans to add it.

This is quite a small article but a BIG defeat. Way to go Portland! You are a shining example to cities, towns and water districts across the nation. We never use any form of tap water for our plants, always filtered! Soon hopefully there will be little or no fluoridation in our water everywhere across the world.

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms

A View From Inside the Growing Facility

This short little update is just to show you some of the things that we currently have going here at our facility. The following pictures are just a small look into our humble beginnings working towards the bigger goal of producing healthy, nutrient dense foods for the local communities in which we are located! 

 We are currently growing three variety of heirloom organic tomatoes: "Mortgage Lifter" (a large delicious beefsteak variety that heralds from the Appalachian Mountain region of Kentucky and West Virginia), "BellStar" (a variety of Roma or paste tomato) and "Sweet Cherry" (a much improved taste in this variety over most store bought cherry and grape tomatoes which tend to be bitter)

Also on our roster are our three variety of organic peppers, one being an heirloom: "Purple Bell" is our heirloom variety (a purple exterior skin with the inside like a standard green bell pepper, only with a sweeter taste), "Sweet Red Bell" (the standard in red bell peppers for cooking and snacking, all organic) and finally Organic Jalapeno. 

Next is our heirloom organic pole bean variety "Kentucky Wonder" (a great tasting summer pole bean variety heralding from the blue-grass areas of Kentucky!) 

 That is a small representation of what we are doing. We also have some awesome herbal flowers and plants as well! Hope you all have had a wonderful Wednesday and a great rest of your mid August week!

Stay Happy! Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Majority of Americans Want To Go Back To Pre-Obamacare Days When Health Insurance Was More Affordable

Is is possible that America is fed up with the gigantic monster bill that is ObamaCare? 

Find out more in this intriguing article from

A new poll conducted under the guidance of marketing research groups Anderson Robbins and Shaw & Company has found that a majority of Americans want nothing to do with the socialized medicine scheme more popularly known as Obamacare. Based on a random sampling of more than 1,000 registered voters, professional pollsters found that 53 percent of Americans, including Democrats, are anticipating worse quality and more expensive healthcare for their families once Obamacare comes into full effect.

Despite its official designation as the Affordable Care Act, Obamacare will be anything but affordable for many of the people that will be forced to purchase it. According to the figures, nearly all registered Republicans, or 85 percent, and more than half, or 51 percent, of registered Independents estimate that they will be much worse off as a result of Obamacare. But what might come as a shock to some is the fact that nearly one-quarter of all Democrats also believe that Obamacare will impact their families for the worse.

"Young voters and seniors are pessimistic about Obamacare," writes Dana Blanton for Fox News about the findings. "Majorities of those under age 35 and those 65-plus think things will be worse under the 2010 health care law."

Overall, an astounding 56 percent of those polled said they wished we could all go back to the days before Obamacare when health insurance was "more affordable." Only 34 percent of poll participants said they want to continue moving forward with implementing the nationwide "tax" on health insurance - the Supreme Court, as you may recall, recently ruled that Obamacare's individual mandate and its associated fine for non-compliance are a legal "tax."

Interestingly, opposition to Obamacare was pretty evenly distributed among both people with college degrees and people with minimal education. Men, women, and people from both high and low income brackets were also represented among those opposed to Obamacare's continued implementation, indicating that the issue is neither partisan nor segregated - people from all backgrounds said they wished healthcare could return to the days before the government was involved in its distribution.

* Most American voters also says budget sequestration was a    bad idea

The same poll also asked voters how they felt about the federal government's recent budget sequestration measures, and an even higher percentage said they disagreed with Obama's actions in the matter. According to the data, 61 percent of voters said the budget cuts implemented by Obama and Congress were a bad way to deal with the country's financial problems. Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike said they view the cuts in a negative light, at 67 percent, 61 percent, and 57 percent, respectively.

Likewise, the percentage of people who say Obama's ideas for the country are "bad," and that too many of them have been implemented, has risen by more than 32 percent, according to the figures. As reported by Fox News, 37 percent of voters were opposed to Obama's policies two years ago, but that percentage has risen to 49 percent, or nearly half, today. There are also far few voters today who say they support Obama's policies compared to two years ago.

"[I]n 2009, 71 percent of Americans thought that the health care system was so bad that it needed at least a major overhaul," writes Senior Editorial Writer Philip Klein for "Now, a majority of Americans are saying that they'd rather go back to life under that crappy 2009 system than be forced to live under Obamacare."

You can view the complete results of the new poll by visiting:

Learn more:

Stay Happy, Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farm 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Front Groups Exposed—50 Industry Groups Form a New Alliance to Manipulate Public Opinion About Junk Food, GMOs, and Harmful Additives

AgriDome Community Farm's mission is to offer the local community and, down the road, the world, nutrient dense, organic food that is not only good for our bodies but also for our planet. 

It is the addition of GMO food crops to the agricultural world that caused us to form our project. The people deserve to know what is in their food and where it came from. You also deserve the proper nutrition from food that is grown with love and care, not for the money. In the following article you will be seeing just how food industry insiders are slipping this insidious poison (Genetically Modified Foods) upon us AND forming coalitions that are very possibly tainting the organics movement! We will not stand for this and neither should you!

That is why we are featuring this article by Dr. Mercola today. The article is available here for you via

  By Dr. Mercola:

    If you think it’s tough sorting truth from industry propaganda and lies, get ready for even tougher times ahead. More than 50 front groups, working on behalf of food and biotechnology trade groups―Monsanto being the most prominent―have formed a new coalition called Alliance to Feed the Future.

    The alliance, which is being coordinated by the International Food Information Council (IFIC), was created to "balance the public dialogue” on modern agriculture and large-scale food production and technology, i.e. this group will aim to become the go-to source for “real” information about the junk being sold as “food.”

    The groups comprising this new alliance represent multi-national food companies, biotech industry, and chemical companies that generate hundreds of billions of dollars worth of revenue from food related sales every year.

    On the upside, this alliance and many other industry-sponsored front groups masquerading as non-profits and consumer protection organizations are becoming increasingly exposed for what they really are, and I will point out several of them in this article.

    Michele Simon, JD, MPH, policy consultant with Center for Food Safety recently published a report titled: Best Public Relations Money Can Buy: A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups1 also reveals how the food and agricultural industry hide behind friendly-sounding organizations aimed at fooling the public, policymakers and media alike.

Many Industry Front Groups Are Created to Dominate Codex Discussions

    The Codex Alimentarius Commission, conceived by the United Nations in 1962, was birthed through a series of relationships between the World Health Organization (WHO), the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the World Trade Organization (WTO) as well as the American FDA and USDA.

    The Codex Alimentarius itself is a compilation of food standards, codes of practice and guidelines that specify all requirements related to foods, whether processed, semi-processed, genetically engineered, or raw.

    Its purported purpose is to “protect consumers’ health, ensure fair business practices within the food trade, and eliminate international food trade barriers by standardizing food quality.”

    There are a number of different working groups that meet regularly to establish food standards of every imaginable kind. For example, the Physical Working Group on Food Additives recently held meetings in Beijing, China. The 45th session of the Codex Committee on Food Additives (CCFA) ended on March 22.

    On the agenda were discussions about aluminum-containing food additives. Are they safe or should they be eliminated from the worldwide Codex standards? The National Health Federation (NHF), the only health-freedom group allowed to speak at the meeting, dished out harsh criticism on the additives, calling for their removal. In a Facebook update, the NHF wrote:

        “The usual Codex suspects (the delegations of Australia, the United States and Canada) plus the trade organizations of the International Food Additives Council (IFAC) and the International Council of Grocery Manufacturers Associations (ICGMA) were the industry apologists for keeping aluminum in food additives.

        In dishing out scorching criticism of aluminum's proponents, NHF came under return fire from Australia, IFAC, and the Chairman.

        IFAC - which does not seem to disclose any of its members... along with its sidekick ICGMA, cried out constantly that the 'Industry' just could not make it without aluminum food additives. Their members spraying equipment 'might overheat and catch fire, IFAC lamented.

        When NHF suggested that this was a not a genuine issue; that the industry could easily innovate its way out of this 'problem' and create non-overheating equipment, NHF was criticized by the Chairman for suggesting that IFAC might not be telling the truth.

        By the end of the day, the success of the EU and NHF could be tallied by numerous uses of aluminum food additives that the Working Group will suggest be discontinued to the full Committee meeting... although there were also many food-additive uses that stayed in place (albeit usually at reduced levels), no thanks to the interventions of Australia, the U.S., Canada, IFAC, and ICGMA.”

Who’s Behind the International Food Additives Council (IFAC)?

    The International Food Additives Council (IFAC) is “an international association representing companies that produce high quality substances used worldwide as food ingredients in traditional and organic products.” The group is very active in Codex. But how do you know who they are, and who they represent, when it’s almost impossible to find out who their members are?

    As the NHF noted above, it’s virtually impossible to locate a list of its members (which naturally would indicate sources of funding, and potentially reveal behind-the-scenes agendas).

    But here, I’m making public IFAC’s list of officers and board members as of 2011. It wasn’t easy to find this list, primarily because IFAC isn’t a regular 501(c)(3). In fact, it isn’t a 501(c)(3) at all. Actually, it’s a 501(c)(6)―an IRS classification for nonprofit “commercially oriented” organizations such as football leagues, chambers of commerce and, apparently, groups like IFAC. Once you know its non-profit classification, you can find its 990 forms―which all non-profits must file, complete with lists of officers and directors. I obtained IFAC’s 990s for the years 2004-2011. And there I learned the truth.

    Except for two, who I couldn’t find any information at all on, all of IFAC’s officers and directors are linked to processed foods and additives in some way, with at least six of them having direct or business links to Monsanto and/or DuPont. That’s right. Six of IFAC’s governing board members are linked to the largest GMO producers in the world.

    If you look up these board members’ contact information, you’ll find that all contacts for IFAC3 go to a corporation called The Kellen Company. Kellen “provides the essential services to advance associations to the next level of their evolution.” Such services include management, administration, accounting, meeting planning, membership marketing and strategic advice. According to the company’s website:

        “Kellen takes the mission and message of each association client and brings it to audiences large and small, internal and external, domestic and international. Utilizing communications tools that are customized for each association, Kellen identifies the audiences, develops the strategies, defines the tactics and executes a planned and carefully reasoned communications plan.”

        “Our consulting expertise enables us to reorganize association governance and assets, optimize association resources, extend reach for U.S. associations into Europe and Asia... Kellen’s team is expert in all strategic and tactical elements of associations and can provide insightful analysis and guidance on industry alignment... establishing new legal entities and building consensus.
[Emphasis mine]

    Additionally, if you look up IFAC’s origins in Internet business profiles, you’ll find that it was formed in 1980 by Patrick M. Farrey, who just so happens to be The Kellen Company’s group vice president. In short, The Kellen Company not only is linked to the formation of IFAC, but also serves as the managing entity behind IFAC. And its members, although a proper members list has not been obtained, are bound to be like their governing body― manufacturers of food additives, including but certainly not limited to manufacturers of artificial sweeteners and glutamate (i.e. MSG).

    This association is clearly spelled out in the Council’s name. But what’s troublesome about it is that IFAC represents companies that create food ingredients in organic products as well, although there’s not a shred of evidence that any person, company or organization dedicated to organics is actually represented by IFAC. If that is the case, this means IFAC probably does NOT have any incentive at all to ensure such ingredients are appropriate for organic products, and most likely, they will just do what needs to be done to ensure its members’ ingredients are allowed to be used in organics no matter what.

    You need look no further than its board members―and their links to Monsanto and DuPont, and their managing entity, Kellen―to see what I’m talking about, because Kellen tells you plainly on its website where the organization it represents stand when it comes to organics. Boasting that Kellen and its members joined the “Say No to Proposition 37” movement in California, Kellen explains right on its website how they defeated the bill that would have mandated that all GMO products be labeled as such:

        “Almost all of Kellen Company’s food clients would have been negatively affected by Prop. 37, but no single association was in a position to lead opposition efforts to GMO labeling. A coalition was a perfect solution; our team decided to join the 'No on 37 Coalition,' a multi-stakeholder group that led opposition efforts and helped to educate Californian voters about the shortcoming of Prop. 37. And that story has a happy ending – the proposition was not passed and food companies in California are not required to include potentially misleading labeling.”

    The site goes further, detailing the steps to “success” of this campaign, advising site visitors: “With proposed ballot initiatives beginning to be certified and many states opening their 2013 legislative sessions this month, now is the time to think about your association’s plans should state legislation or a ballot initiative affecting your industry be introduced in 2013.”

    Finally, if you have any doubt about what IFAC’s goals are, you need look no further than a PowerPoint presentation that the group is currently giving at symposia and conventions around the world. One of the slides on this presentation states that IFAC promotes “independently determined” studies of safety in its members’ products. By “independent,” they explain that this means: “experts chosen and employed by the manufacturer.” This is the same procedure that gets Monsanto’s products to market: Monsanto gets to do its own safety studies and submit them to the FDA as “proof” that their products won’t harm you.

Front Groups Working to Keep Harmful Food Additives Hidden and on the Market

    The Kellen Company has ties with other major industry players. According to a 2011 press release, one of the Kellen Company executives was honored as president of the Calorie Control Council, a non-profit association that represents manufacturers and suppliers of low-calorie, sugar-free and reduced sugar foods and beverages. It’s also closely tied to the International Council of Grocery Manufacturers Associations (ICGMA), which, along with IFAC, urged the Codex working group to keep aluminum in food additives, despite the many known health risks associated with aluminum.

    According to, there are a number of front groups for the glutamate and artificial sweetener industry in the US. In an article titled: "Meet the people who get the job done so effectively," they write:

        “In the United States, the glutamate industry has two arms. Both work to keep MSG hidden in food. One is the International Hydrolyzed Protein Council... The second and more active arm is spearheaded by Ajinomoto’s International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) and its American subsidiary, The Glutamate Association (TGA), with representative organizations throughout the world.

    Now here’s where it gets interesting, as it again shows the intricate ties of the glutamate industry with the Kellen Company:

        “In 1977, the IGTC spun off The Glutamate Association, with both organizations accommodated under the umbrella of The Robert H. Kellen Company... a trade organization and association management firm, specializing in the food, pharmaceutical, and health care industries. [Editor’s note: although not covered in this article, this is a clue that there are many front groups operating in the drug and health care industry as well, under the careful management of the Kellen Company. Such front groups ensure you will NOT get the truth about drugs and health care issues where corporate profits are at stake.]

        The Encyclopedia of Associations (The Glutamate Association, 1990) listed Robert H. Kellen as president of The Glutamate Association. Richard Cristol, executive director of The Glutamate Association, was also Vice President of The Kellen Company. Cristol assumed management of the Washington, DC operations of The Kellen Company and its subsidiary, HQ Services, in 1993...

        In 1992, and still in 1998, Andrew G. Ebert, Ph.D., Chairman of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC), was also Senior Vice President of The Kellen Company. Membership in The Glutamate Association is secret. However, a source from within the glutamate industry, who asked to remain anonymous, told us that besides Ajinomoto, Archer Daniels Midland, Campbell, Corn Products Corporation, McCormick & Company, Pet Foods, Pfizer Laboratories, and Takeda were among its members; and Nestle was a former member.”

    The fact that membership is a secret is telling in and of itself, and it’s quite ironic, considering the Glutamate Association is ardently working to keep the presence of glutamate in foods and other products, such as fertilizers and growth promoters, hidden from the consumer... But there’s more. I’ve often discussed the revolving door between the US Food and Drug Administration, and here we see the door swinging yet again. According to another article by

        “Influence of the International Glutamate Technical Committee (IGTC) can be felt at every level. [Andrew G.] Ebert has served the Grocery Manufacturers of America; the National Food Processors Association; the Institute of Food Technology; the National Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences Assembly of Life Sciences; the American Medical Association; the FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Food Standards Program as an Industry Observer; and the International Food Additives Council (IFAC) as Executive Director. In 1992, FDA appointed both Andrew G. Ebert, Ph.D., IGTC chairman, and Kristin McNutt, Ph.D., paid spokesperson for the IGTC, to the FDA Food Advisory Committee.” [Emphasis mine]

    At this point, it would appear The Kellen Company is instrumental in creating and managing front groups for the processed food and chemical industries. These front groups are specifically created to mislead you about the product in question, protect industry profits, and influence regulatory agencies. This amount of collusion simply is not necessary for a food or product that is truly safe and has great intrinsic value, but it must be done for inferior and/or dangerous products that cannot stand up to closer scrutiny by truly independent sources.

    What’s more, it appears all these front groups (there are many others not specifically mentioned in this article) have been created in order to have more seats at the Codex meetings, essentially giving chemical companies and major food manufacturers a much louder voice, in order to control the decisions made.

Front Man Steven Milloy, and Other Non-Profit Front Organizations with Ties to Industry

    Steven Milloy, author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them, and owner and operator of — a site dedicated to denying environmental and health concerns related to pollutants and chemicals, including those used in agriculture and food production — appears to have been registered as a lobbyist with The EOP Group, a lobbying firm based in Washington, DC. Clients of the firm have included the American Crop Protection Association, the Chlorine Chemistry Council, and Edison Electric Institute.

    Milloy’s clients included both Monsanto and the International Food Additives Council (IFAC). Milloy has denied ever being a lobbyist, claiming that he was “a technical consultant" for the lobbying firm.

        “However, Milloy shows up in federal lobbyist registration data for 1997 as having lobbying expenditures on his behalf, indicating his firm, the EOP Group, believed him to be an active lobbyist, 'technical' or otherwise,” TRWNews states in its expose of the industry front man.

    Milloy also headed up the now defunct corporate front group, The Advancement of Sound Science Coalition (TASSC). According to TRWNews, TASSC and the site were one and the same. Integrity in Science, which lists non-profit organizations with close ties to industry, reports that TASSC received financial support from hundreds of corporations, including the likes of Procter & Gamble, Exxon, Dow Chemical, and Philip Morris. I’ll leave it up to you to guess what kind of ‘sound science’ was advanced by those sources...

        “Its objective is to act as a speakers bureau to deliver the corporate message that environmental public policy is not currently based on 'sound science,' and to counter excessive regulations that are based on what it considers 'junk' science,” Integrity in Science states. [Emphasis mine]

    Other non-profit organizations that are in actuality doing the bidding of various industry giants include:

  •         Air Quality Standards Coalition, “created specifically to battle the clean air proposals, the coalition operates out of the offices of the National Association of Manufacturers, a Washington-based trade group. Its leadership includes top managers of petroleum, automotive and utility companies”
  •         Alliance for the Prudent Use of Antibiotics, while sounding like it would work for your benefit, actually gets “unrestricted grants” from a long list of pharmaceutical companies
  •         Alliance to Save Energy, which “supports energy efficiency as a cost-effective energy resource under existing market conditions and advocates energy-efficiency policies that minimize costs to society and individual consumers,” was founded by, among others: BP...
  •         American Academy of Pediatrics receives $1 million annually from infant formula manufacturers. Other donors include (but is not limited to) the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, Johnson & Johnson Consumer Products, both Wyeth’s and Merck’s vaccine divisions, the Food Marketing Institute, the Sugar Association, and the International Food Information Council (IFIC) — which you will see below, is not only a front group for the glutamate industry; it’s also the coordinating agent for a new alliance of over 50 industry groups aimed at directing the dialogue and altering public opinion about large-scale, genetically engineered and chemical-based food production
  •         American Council for Fitness and Nutrition. This one takes the cake with a member list that includes the American Bakers Association, the American Meat Institute, the Biscuit & Cracker Manufacturers Association, Chocolate Manufacturers Association, Coca-Cola, Hershey’s, National Confectioners Association and many others that are FAR from suited to devise appropriate “comprehensive, long-term strategies and constructive public policies for improving the health and wellness of all Americans”

IFIC Created 'Crisis Management' Protocol in Case Truth Would Be Exposed

    Although their names may differ, many of the functions of these groups overlap, as they’re really serving the same industry. explains how front groups such as these serve the distinct interests of the industry, not your or your children’s health, even when their well-chosen name may mislead you to think otherwise.14 Take the International Food Information Council (IFIC) for example:

        “In 1990, faced with the threat of a '60 Minutes' segment... that might expose the toxic potential of monosodium glutamate, IFIC became actively involved in representing the interests of the glutamate industry. The IFIC represents itself as an 'independent' organization. It sends attractive brochures to dietitians, nutritionists, hospitals, schools, the media, and politicians, proclaiming the safety of monosodium glutamate. In 1990, an anonymous person sent us a copy of a 'Communication Plan' dated July-December 1991, that detailed methods for scuttling the '60 Minutes' segment on MSG, or, failing that, provided for crisis management.

        ...Depending on the roles they play, researchers might be considered agents of the glutamate industry. In addition, there are those who promote the products of those they work for, just as public relations firms do, but these organizations highlight the fact that they are nonprofit corporations, while minimizing the fact that they promote the products of those who financially support them. The International Food Information Council (IFIC) and the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) are examples of such glutamate-industry agents.”

50+ Industry Front Groups Form New Alliance to 'Balance Public Dialogue' on Food Production

    As reported by Sustainable Food News15 on March 17, more than 50 of these front groups, working on behalf of food and biotechnology trade groups, have formed a brand new alliance called Alliance to Feed the Future. Again, the alliance is being coordinated by the glutamate-protecting International Food Information Council (IFIC). The stated aim of the alliance is to "balance the public dialogue on modern agriculture and large-scale food production."

        “The Alliance to Feed the Future said 'in an effort to meet the world’s increasing food needs responsibly, efficiently and affordably,' its members want to 'tell the real story of' and dispel "misperceptions about modern food production and technology,'” the article states.

    The groups comprising the alliance represent multi-national food, biotech, and chemical companies that generate hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of revenue each year. Some of the most notable of these 50 industry groups include the very players already mentioned in this article. For the full list of all 50+ groups that are part of the alliance, please see the original article:

American Soybean Association
Biotechnology Industry Organization (which represents biotech crop giants Monsanto, DuPont, and Syngenta)
Calorie Control Council (which represents the artificial sweetener industry)
Council for Biotechnology Information
Grocery Manufacturers Association (GMA)
International Food Additives Council (IFAC)

    According to the featured article:

        “When asked by Sustainable Food News what misperceptions the group seeks to dispel, Dave Schmidt, CEO at the International Food Information Council, who coordinates the alliance, said the most common misperceptions - perpetuated by what he calls 'a large popular culture' that can be found in recent 'books and movies' - are that 'technology is bad and we need to go back to a time when there was less technology. Or, food processing or large-scale food production is bad.'

        ...The alliance's aim is to educate who he called 'opinion leaders,' including those in the university sector, professional societies, journalists and government officials. However, another target demographic is the 'informed consumer,' who he expects will find the group's information online.

        The Alliance's effort appears to be an attempt to squelch the growing consumer perception that modern food production can have a negative impact on the health of humans and the environment as espoused by the organic and sustainable food movement.”
[Emphasis mine]

    Meanwhile, close to a dozen of the members of this new industry alliance have resigned from the Leonardo Academy's National Sustainable Agriculture Standards Committee, which is currently developing a national standard for sustainable agriculture under the rules of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). According to Russell Williams of the American Farm Bureau Federation, this exodus occurred because:

        “...the committee is dominated by environmental groups, certification consultants, agro-ecology and organic farming proponents. Based on their recent actions, it is apparent that these groups have neither the vision nor desire to speak for mainstream agriculture or the 95 percent of farmers who will be materially affected by any resulting standard.”

Is the Information You’re Given Created by a Front Group Pretending to Be 'Independent'?
    As points out, the industry has manipulated public knowledge using innocent-sounding front groups for a very long time. As I’ve already shown, the International Food Additives Council (IFAC) is a perfect example of how industry giants can masquerade as a so-called non-profit, independent organization. While their membership still remains secret, the directors and officers on the IFAC board show quite plainly who’s running the show when it comes to food additives―and IFAC is obviously NOT a group of consumer advocates.

    Another example can be shown through the distribution of information about MSG, which has been completely directed by the industry itself, through The Glutamate Association:

        "Present FDA practice includes distributing unsolicited copies of an FDA Medical Bulletin that assures physicians that MSG is safe; and distributing similar material to food service people. In the January-February, 2003 FDA Consumer magazine, the FDA's Michelle Meadows, in an article titled: MSG: A Common Flavor Enhancer, spewed out paragraphs that look like they came right off The Glutamate Association or the International Glutamate Information Service Web pages. Trying to convince us that MSG is 'safe' while saying nothing."

    The same goes for genetically engineered crops, prescription drugs, artificial sweeteners and a whole host of other harmful substances used in food production and medicine. You can bet if there’s a harmful substance out there that makes money, there are at least one or more front groups, posing as independent non-profit organizations, disseminating anything but independent safety reviews and information pertaining to it...

    As for the Codex meetings, and the Group on Food Additives in particular; they’re being shrewdly manipulated by multiple front groups, which ensures that their side comes across as the strongest and most vocal. It also creates the illusion of consensus, when in fact it’s nothing but collusion... It’s high time to pull back the curtain and see who’s really pulling the strings and levers. And whenever you hear the talking points from Alliance to Feed the Future or the International Food Additives Council (IFAC), you now know exactly who is talking, and why. It’s an alliance of multi-national food, biotech-, and chemical companies that are hell-bent on protecting hundreds of billions of dollars-worth of annual revenue in the face of a burgeoning organic and sustainable food movement. Believe what they tell you at your own risk...

Join Us in Your Right to Know by Getting GMOs Labeled!
    While California Prop. 37 failed to pass last November by a very narrow margin, the fight for GMO labeling is far from over. In the past few weeks, Connecticut and Maine have passed GMO-labeling bills, and 20 other states have pending legislation to label genetically engineered foods. So, now is the time to put the pedal to the metal and get labeling across the country—something 64 other countries already have.

    I hope you will join us in this effort.

    The field-of-play has now moved to the state of Washington, where the people's initiative 522, "The People's Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act," will require food sold in retail outlets to be labeled if it contains genetically engineered ingredients. Please help us win this key GMO labeling battle and continue to build momentum for GMO labeling in other states by making a donation to the Organic Consumers Association (OCA)

Remember, as with CA Prop. 37, they need support of people like YOU to succeed. Prop. 37 failed with a very narrow margin simply because we didn't have the funds to counter the massive ad campaigns created by the No on 37 camp, led by Monsanto and other major food companies. Let's not allow Monsanto and its allies to confuse and mislead the people of Washington and Vermont as they did in California. So please, I urge you to get involved and help in any way you can.

  •     No matter where you live in the United States, please donate money to these labeling efforts through the Organic Consumers Fund.
  •     Sign up to learn more about how you can get involved by visiting!
  •     For timely updates on issues relating to these and other labeling initiatives, please join the Organic Consumers Association on Facebook, or follow them on Twitter.
  •     Talk to organic producers and stores and ask them to actively support the Washington initiative.

Article courtesy of 

Stay Happy, Stay Healthy! 

AgriDome Community Farms